Friday, January 18, 2008


Nasal bones are one of the commonest bones to get fractured because of their outward prominent position making them to become more prone to trauma due to accidents and fights. Secondly these bones are thin and easily broken. After nasal fracture, the patient usually bleeds from the nose. Swelling appears early and there can be black eye. Nose is tender to touch and on palpating the nose, a crackling sound can be heard. Bridge of nose can be depressed or deviated to one side.Patient should be given painkillers and anti-inflammatory tablets.After getting the x-ray done and after confirmation of the fracture, fracture is to be reduced if the injury is less than two days old or one has to wait till the swelling subsides. Fracture is to be reduced before ten days of injury,otherwise the bone gets fixed at the fractured position permanently and the shape of nose gets distorted. To correct this deformity, rhinoplasty (plastic surgery of nose) is needed which is a major surgery.


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